Best practice exchange in the field of professional development of adult educators

26-28.4.22, Payas/Hatay, Turkey

Best practice exchange in the field of professional development of adult educators

26-28.4.22, Payas/Hatay, Turkey

1. Topic

– Life Long Learning Program in Turkey

– Introducing Payas Public Education Center and Live Connection to Courses

– Accelerated Training Programme for Syrian Refuges

– EuroDesk

– Introducing STEM Application

– Blended Learning Application

– Foreign Language Teaching Strategies of Payas Public Education Center

2. Description

The event included 15 adult education participants by exchanging best practice of professional development of adult educators in the field of learning and teaching methodologies and pedagogical approaches for work with disadvantaged categories such as migrants, asylum seekers, refugees.

Experience of learners’ needs analysis and collaboration with “qualified trainer”.

3. Objectives

To learn from the best experience and improve professional skills in work with disadvantaged categories.

4. Results

Tangible : digital micro-knowledge chunks on the webpage for adult educators on a methodology to work with disadvantaged groups. The methodology of learners’ needs analysis and collaboration with “qualified trainer”.

Intangible: Knowledge and experience gained by the target groups in the field of work with disadvantaged groups.


Brain Based Approach Presentation.

Soft Skills for Leadership Success


Photo Gallery

Photos from the seminar.

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