Transferring Innovative Adult Educator’s Practices
Promoting professional development and fostering the competences of adult educators, particularly on knowledge transfer

Aims of the Project
We aim to turn knowledge into digital micro-knowledge chunks to make it easier and faster to distribute and by doing that we intend to:
Profesional development
Promoting the professional development of adult educators by gathering best practice expertise from partner institutions in TIP Adult project.
Fostering competences
Fostering the competences of Adult educators, particularly on knowledge transfer as well as in gaining experience in international cooperation.
Target Groups
TIP Adult project is geared specifically to these 3 target groups
Developers and managers of adult education programs
Improving their knowledge and skills in finding out the needs of learners, using ICT, knowledge transfer.
Adult education organizers
With the aim of finding out how to better organize and ensure the professional development of adult educators.
Adult educators
With the aim of improving their knowledge of adult pedagogy methods and techniques, ICT use, knowledge transfer.
8 partners of both formal and non formal education background cooperate in TIP ADULT project, coordinated by Liepajas University
COORDINATOR OF THE PROJECT. Liepaja University (LiepU, founded in 1954) is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in Kurzeme region (Latvia) with large experience and academic traditions. Liepaja University is an accredited state higher educational establishment, which implements study programmes at all three study levels: basic studies, Master and Doctorate studies.Full-time and part-time studies.
Cazalla Intercultural is a local NGO located in Lorca, Murcia, in the South East of Spain, founded in 2007. The mission of our team of professionals is to promote active citizenship, social inclusion, youth mobility, voluntary service, sustainable development, stand up for human rights, integration, non-discrimination and against gender-based violence, through non-formal education, youth information and international cooperation.
CEA Alto Guadalentín is a State funded Adult Education School with more than 29years providing Secondary Education within the Department of Education in Murcia. The Network of Adult Education Centres aligns within the Education Department in Murcia Community and caters for more than 10.000 learners per year. Teaching staff at CEA Lorca comprises 33 Secondary and Primary teachers. Our educational offer consists in Secondary Education (both Distance tuition via Moodle platform and in our premises). We also offer Initial Vocational Training in Office Administration.
Topcoach is a SME in the field of adult education. We focus on training, workshops and keynotes for individuals (B2C segment) as well as for companies (B2B segment). We have rich experiences in the design of training and workshopsto educate adults as well as execute them. We have also created our own product – the academy for future leaders – NewLeaders Academy and keynote concept to introduce soft-skills topics leTalks.
Kairos Europe, established in 2011, is an organisation dedicated to promoting the development of programmes aimed at increasing the intercultural exchanges between European countries, promoting equality and social inclusion.Our mission is to provide quality training opportunities for youths and adults in order to improve their knowledge and skills and enhance their career prospects.
Payas Public Education Center is a non-formal education centre that offers courses depending on the demand from the local people. These courses vary from literacy to carpet weaving, from painting to silkworm breeding.The main objective of these courses is to create an opportunity for people to
spend their times with qualified activities. Additionally, we organize courses for those who drop-out the school and decided to graduate.
St. Gallen University of Teacher Education (PHSG) offers programmes for primary and secondary school teachers, master and doctoral programmes in educational sciences and it offers a rich repertoire of vocational qualification programmes. It serves about 1500 students and employs about 270 lecturers. By hosting eight research institutes,PHSG places a strong emphasis on research and the link between research and practice.
The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.
– Brian Herbert
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Agreement nº: 2019-1-LV01-KA204-060346–P8